
possible production team

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

forgot to mention in my last post that i also came upon a brilliant company that will distribute all our cds. www.theorchard.com. it seems like a solid deal even though all their bands are crap and they take a nice premium off the top. but they do a lot of work so it should be worth it. theres also a site www.raintree.com that will print out the cds for us, but i'm a bit suspicious of them i.e. their cds look bootleg/ghetto. i'll look for alternatives.

add to the story again? that last one was a real doozy. hmmm... okay a brief one

... walking through a field in the north-western-most state of these federated states of Rho i came upon a young boy holding one end of a piece of string in his hand. the string stretched up into the sky and the other end was lost from sight inside a big fluffy cloud.
"hello son," i greeted him, " i am looking to find the forest wherein dwells the dreaded sharkephant. might you know where that is?"
the sun was brightly shining over my shoulder which caused the boy to squint as he looked up at me.
"yeah sure," he said. pausing he turned to the cloud, whistled and pointed towards the sun. obediantly the cloud moved over to block the sunlight.
"im no expert at geography," he continued, "but i believe if you head south from here you'll run into a big river. follow it until it branches, the right branch should lead you into the forest you're looking for."
"thank you for your help," i said and tipped my hat. despite my hurry i had to ask, " who's your friend?" and pointed up at the cloud.
"that's bill, he's a stormcloud. he and i have been friends for years. right now we have urgent business in the city, so we must be moving on."
i thanked him again and we turned to part ways.
"oh, one more thing," he said looking back, "be wary of the leaping ascetics. they've built their pole-huts not far from here. don't let them grab you and pull you up."....

Monday, November 10, 2003

another post of relative import.

i spoke with jeff, the kid who gave me the whole npo idea, and he said that they are electing officers on nov. 20, and after that he should be able to host our site for pretty cheap.
if that doesnt pan out then www.yoursite.com seems a good alternative. only sixty bucks a year.

i guess i'd better add to the story.
... the green cat was sitting placidly in the well-wrought cage set beside the throne of the fat Baron Hinruck von Cartwheel. "As Baron and rightful ruler of all this land, you should consider yourself lucky that I value your green cat so highly for my collection. otherwise your life would not have been spared for so grave a transgression. and as my generosity comes only in fits and bursts i recommend strongly that you remove yourself from my presence immediately." he furrowed his bushy brow and glared menacingly at me. but i am not one easily swayed by threats, and i quickly came upon a means to extricate myself and the green cat from this sticky situation.
"well sir, your generosity is of course greatly appreciated," i said, "however, you may understand that there is a great bond of friendship between myself and the green cat, and as such i would like to propose a bargain."
here the green cat turned his head toward me and yawned his whiskered face wide.
with brow further furrowed the Baron replied, "i can hardly see as a compromise can be made between me and you when i have what you want and you have nothing that i want."
"here is where you are mistaken," i began again, "i saw in your large and varied menagerie the strangest of beasts from all the world over. you have a pygmy hippo and a siamese giraffe from africa; the last surviving cockapoo of new zealand; twelve flying reindeer; as well as many other animal oddities. the green cat is certainly of a rare breed and one fitting to your particular tastes, yet i believe there must be another, more fantastic creature that you would prefer for your collection."
the Baron thought for a second and said, " yes, there certainly are some strange and hard to find animals that my collection is lacking. are you proposing that you will get me another animal of greater value to exchange for your green cat?"
"you have guessed my intent exactly. tell me what animal you would like in place of the green cat and he and i will capture the creature for your lovely little zoo."
the baron's face lit up like a child's on christmas. a fat bearded child that is, and whose smile is more malicious than his frown.
"there is one creature that has eluded my grasp for many years despite my best efforts to catch and bring him here. the dreaded sharkephant! bring me the sharkephant and i shall release your green cat. but not before; the green cat will stay with me to ensure you complete your task before returning. or, as is more likely, you die in the attempt."....

Thursday, November 06, 2003

okay kids i've updated my webpage so it looks less like shit and more like dog-doo. yes there's so much more to do, but frankly i'm only one man. or at most one and a half.
where were we in the story? oh yes, the green cat and i had just arrived at the ominous edifice of miss whimple's confectionary factory. the green cat and i snuck through a back window and landed lightly on the floor behind a huge stack of minty cream pufferies. nobody would likely notice us because of the great hustle and bustle of the mechanical workers and their big black stomping and squishing and glub-glubbing machines churning out gallons and buckets of sweets every minute. amongst all the ruckus the green cat and i snuck subtly toward the door against the far wall where we suspected miss whimple to be, and with her we hoped to find the soft shell crab we had been searching for so long...

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

woah! look who's in.
this is my first post and as such i'd like to make it special by recounting my crazy misadventures with the green cat and the eccentric baron von cartwheel.
it all began on a sunny day in july in a small slovak town. the streets were bustling with activity as the townsfolk were going about their daily activities. me and the green cat were sitting on the balcony of our small abode above the shop of the local glassblower. sitting there we quietly smoked cigarettes....

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